Sunday, September 19, 2010

SpaWeek is open for reservations

I didn't post this right away because I was less than enthralled with the participants and offerings (since when did SpaFinder have the jump on them??), but just in case there's something good around you, make sure you get on it!


  1. How was your visit to L'Institut Sothys?

  2. I actually booked it for Friday because I had friends over last night. (So I'll just have to stay out of the sun this weekend, I guess). I will let you know, though :D I'm quite excited!

  3. Anonymous9/20/2010

    less than enthralled how?

  4. I feel like a lot of the better-known spas went with the SpaFinder week and either put a bit worse services on SpaWeek or abandoned completely. I also feel there are a lot less of the 'expensive' services on offer-- for example very few microderms and essentially no IPL hair removal.

  5. Anonymous9/20/2010

    oh, i guess i can understand that. i have been spa week-ing since 2006, and i looked through both directories too. i thought spa week was fine - i love that they work with red door spas - which to me is pretty darn high end. i did notice that bliss decided to go with spa finder this time, but they arent doing $50 services. i guess it makes sense from a spa's standpoint to not want to offer their treatments for only $50 if they could do the 50% option. not to mention, i see a lot of yoga and pilates - at least with spa week, its all spa and medspa treatments.

  6. Very true, SpaFinder had a lot more 'wellness' deals. I usually do SpaWeek too, and was disappointed that I booked more SpaFinder deals (3) than SpaWeek (0). That's like, unheard of, in my book!


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